
Do your customers deserve a thank you?

Imagine your business has just won it’s industry equivalent of the Oscars. Who will you remember to thank in your acceptance speech? Your staff, suppliers, accountant or bank manager even? How about remembering a small thank you for the most important people of all – your customers.

When times are tough, it’s more important than ever to hang on to your existing customer base. After all, finding new ones to replace them can be time consuming and costly. One way of keeping up a good relationship with your customers is by staying in regular contact, and maybe even extending the occasional thank you for their custom.

Sending a regular mailshot to customers with the latest news about your business, products and services, along with a ‘thank you for your continued support’ message reassures customers they are buying from the right people, and that your business is still alive and kicking! Alternatively you can phone customers with a customer service focused courtesy call, just to see if they need anything.

Of course before you do this we recommend a hygiene check of your database. We can help provide a free audit to highlight if there are any incomplete addresses or gone-aways using Clean My List.

If you have too many customers to stay in touch with, or very limited resources, then ask us to fulfill the postal campaign for you or at least target the top clients. They could be the customers who always recommend you, cause the least customer service aggregation, who pay the highest prices, or who buy the most profitable lines.

If your enquiries reveal that a customer is dissatisfied with your service, then you have a chance to deal with the issue before it becomes too serious. Take criticism on the chin and seek a resolution wherever possible.

There’s also another dimension to maintaining good relations with your customers. In this brave new world of social media fueled online chatter, its even more important to keep your most important team members, your customers, on side and on message. Thanks to forums, blogs and social networks bad news about your business can travel fast!

Remember sending a letter in the post can be perceived as more personal than email, plus we can take care of the complete print and post process – all we need is your PDF letterhead, your CSV address list of recipients. We’ll print, insert and send them all for less than the cost of a 2nd class stamp! You can do this online 24/7 using the Create & Post tool or offline with a Selectabase team member during normal working ours.