
Direct marketing company Selectabase is offering a one month FREE trial of their Birthday Mailings marketing list

Birthday Mailings, a direct marketing list which targets UK consumers just before their birthday, is now available to trial for a month for free.

Birthday Mailings is a unique marketing list aimed at retail and leisure businesses. Subscribers receive a monthly list of local consumers who are about to celebrate a key birthday such as a 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th or 60th.

Subscribing businesses mail their monthly prospects with a special birthday greeting or offer to attract new customers to their premises, at a time when people are likely to spend more than usual on celebrating their big day.

The types of business using Birthday Mailings varies from bars, restaurants and clubs to hairdressers, beauty salons, retailers and leisure business such as golf clubs or paintball experiences.

Using such a targeted and low cost method of promotion has proved attractive to subscribers, especially in today’s economic climate when traditional forms of advertising are often being cut.

An example of the success that can be achieved is provided by Paul Dixon of Retreat Health & Beauty Therapy, who used Birthday Mailings data to promote the opening of a new salon. Paul reports that he “received around 40 people following the mailing” and feels that its success was due to “the correct age, gender and location of the names received to help target our market”.

Michael Spencer of The Spencer Taylor Studio photographers has also been “very impressed with Birthday Mailings”. He has found that “sales have increased with each mailing” and will be “recommending the service to other friends and colleagues”.

Dawn Morton of Moda Italian restaurant in Nottingham feels that “Birthday Mailings has been a tremendous help to the promotion of our new restaurant”. She adds that “the staff at Selectabase are very professional and helpful and I would not hesitate to recommend their services to anyone”.

Birthday Mailings data is all fully cleaned and verified before release by Selectabase, who are full members of the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), the UK’s leading professional body for the direct marketing sector.

Businesses wanting to trial Birthday Mailings list for themselves can now do so by signing up online at

For more details visit or call Selectabase on 01304 383838.

Selectabase, Birthday Mailings, Consumer Lists

6 Sondes Road

Deal, Kent

CT14 7BW

01304 383838

Christine Hyde