
Direct Mail Advice for Beginners

New to direct marketing? Never sent a mailing before? Read some top tips from our team of direct marketing experts.

At Selectabase we deal with many small businesses such as salons and restaurants who may never have used direct mail before to promote their business. Our team of direct marketing advisors give valuable advice every day, so we thought we’d share some of their top tips with you:

  • Send a letter first. In our experience a well written letter can be the most effective way to convert your leads into clients. If you can then follow up by telephone then great, but at the very least send a personalised letter.
  • If you don’t know how to personalise a letter using mail merge from Microsoft Excel to Word, just search for the topic on You Tube and you’ll find plenty of free ‘how to’ videos showing you just what to do.
  • To keep postage costs down check out the possible discounts you can get from Royal Mail. However some of our experts think that a traditional postage stamp applied by hand can increase conversion rates as the recipient is more likely to open it.
  • Fulfilling your mailing needn’t be a bind – often small businesses have a junior member of staff who can take on this job in house. Some of our packaged mailing lists like NewB2B and Birthday Mailings provide smaller lists each month which also makes mailings easier to handle, rather than being faced with thousands of empty envelopes to stuff!

If you’re thinking of sending a mailing for the first time but aren’t sure where to start, give our team a call to talk you through the options or you can ask us any direct marketing related questions on the new Selectabase Facebook Page.