
Integrating Direct Mail into Your Marketing Campaigns

Carried out in isolation, marketing activities just don’t have the same impact with the target audience. Here are some examples of how you could use direct mail alongside, before or after other marketing communication activities to achieve a greater effect…

  • Before you exhibit at an event or exhibition, send out targeted invites to your stand to your own list of contacts and prospects, or rent a mailing list of previous visitors from the event organisers.
  • After you come back from the event, use direct mail to follow up on your new list of stand visitors, leads and prospects.
  • Push new traffic to your website by mailing a list of prospects, without having to worry about losing potential visitors to natural or paid search listings of your competitors. This strategy works equally well for gaining b2b leads online as it does for gaining b2c ecommerce sales.
  • Use direct mail to follow up on inbound telephone enquiries you may have received as a result of above the line promotional activities such as press advertising or public relations.
  • When you are running a sales promotion or incentive campaign, make sure you also promote it with a mailing to potential or previous customers as well.
  • Before you start a field marketing or telemarketing campaign, do a mailing first to soften up your prospects, open doors, and also give them a chance to decline receiving a sales call.
  • Likewise, after your telemarketing or direct selling campaign is over, follow up on lukewarm prospects with another mailing.